Hello friends how are you, today in this blog i will teach you how you can insert data into MySQL Database using Python and Tkinter GUI Library. This tutorial will help you definitely if you wan to create a window application in Python or if you want to make any kind of projects or Software Applications. I am using PyCharm IDE and now i am going to describe everything step by step so just go through this post to get complete knowledge.
Registration form is one of the most used Form in Window or GUI Applications, It helps user to Register by using name, contact, email, etc actually it depends upon the type of Registration.
Here in this post i am using name, contact, email, gender, city and state of user for Registration.
Here i have created a Registration form using Tkinter GUI library in which i have used name, contact, email, gender, city and state of user for Registration.
Now go through this post step by step to learn completely.
Create a Database
Open your MySQL and create a Database "PythonData" if you want to create using query then copy the code below ,following is the query of creating database in MySQL
Create a Table
Now create a Table[REG] inside Database[PythonData], following is the query to create a table in MySQL database
CREATE TABLE REG ( RID int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, NAME varchar(255) NOT NULL, CONTACT varchar(255), EMAIL varchar(255), GENDER varchar(255), CITY varchar(255), STATE varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (RID) );
After doing these we have a database and a Table without any data like below
Syntax of Inserting data into tableFollowing is the syntax of inserting data into table
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2,column3,...columnN) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);
Install mysql.connector Package or Library
If you want to manipulate data in MySQL using Python then this library is compulsory without this library python can't communicate with MySQL.
If you write and execute your code in command prompt or Python IDLE then write the below code in command prompt to install this library
pip install mysql-connector
below is the screenshot of command prompt
But i will suggest all of you to use Pycharm IDE for python because according to me it is the best IDE for Python.Now i am going to tell you how you can install this library using Pycharm
To install go to File and click on Setting
Here in above screen you have to click on Project Interpreter and after clicking you will get a screen like below
Here in above screen you have to click on plus[+] icon as indicated by arrow, after clicking on it you will get a screen like below
here in above screen first search "mysql-connector" in search box then make sure "mysql-connector" is selected as indicated above and finally click on "Install Package" to add this library in your project, after that wait for some seconds [It depends upon your internet speed] it will display a message below.
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #importing connection import mysql.connector #establishing connection conn = mysql.connector.connect( user='root', password='', host='localhost', database='pythondata') """ here in my case there is no password so password='' is blank root is username localhost is server or host name you can also use in place of local host pythondata is the name of Database """ #defining register function def register(): #getting form data name1=name.get() con1=contact.get() email1=email.get() gen1=gender.get() city1=city.get() state1=state.get() #applying empty validation if name1=='' or con1==''or email1=='' or gen1==''or city1==''or state1=='': message.set("fill the empty field!!!") else: # Creating a cursor object using the cursor() method cursor = conn.cursor() # Preparing SQL query to INSERT a record into the database. insert_stmt = ( "INSERT INTO REG(NAME, CONTACT, EMAIL, GENDER, CITY, STATE)" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" ) if gen1==1: data = (name1, con1,email1,"Male",city1,state1) else: data = (name1, con1, email1, "Female", city1, state1) try: #executing the sql command cursor.execute(insert_stmt,data) #commit changes in database conn.commit() except: conn.rollback() message.set("Stored successfully") #defining Registrationform function def Registrationform(): global reg_screen reg_screen = Tk() #Setting title of screen reg_screen.title("Registration Form") #setting height and width of screen reg_screen.geometry("350x400") #declaring variable global message; global name global contact global email global gender global city global state name = StringVar() contact = StringVar() email=StringVar() gender=IntVar() city=StringVar() state=StringVar() message=StringVar() #Creating layout of Registration form Label(reg_screen,width="300", text="Please enter details below", bg="orange",fg="white").pack() #name Label Label(reg_screen, text="Name * ").place(x=20,y=40) #name textbox Entry(reg_screen, textvariable=name).place(x=90,y=42) #contact Label Label(reg_screen, text="Contact * ").place(x=20,y=80) #contact textbox Entry(reg_screen, textvariable=contact).place(x=90,y=82) # email Label Label(reg_screen, text="Email * ").place(x=20, y=120) # email textbox Entry(reg_screen, textvariable=email).place(x=90, y=122) # gender Label Label(reg_screen, text="Gender * ").place(x=20, y=160) # gender radiobutton Radiobutton(reg_screen,text="Male",variable=gender,value=1).place(x=90,y=162) Radiobutton(reg_screen, text="Female", variable=gender, value=2).place(x=150, y=162) # city Label Label(reg_screen, text="City * ").place(x=20, y=200) # city combobox monthchoosen = ttk.Combobox(reg_screen, width=27, textvariable=city) monthchoosen['values'] = (' Mumbai', ' Bhopal', ' Patna', ' Indore', ' Nagpur', ' Motihari', ' Pune', ' Gwalior', ' Jabalpur',) monthchoosen.current() monthchoosen.place(x=90,y=202) # state Label Label(reg_screen, text="State * ").place(x=20, y=240) # state combobox monthchoosen = ttk.Combobox(reg_screen, width=27, textvariable=state) monthchoosen['values'] = (' Madhya Pradesh', ' Maharashtra', ' Bihar', ' Punjab', ' Gujrat', ' Rajsthan',) monthchoosen.current() monthchoosen.place(x=90, y=242) #Label for displaying login status[success/failed] Label(reg_screen, text="",textvariable=message).place(x=95,y=264) #Login button Button(reg_screen, text="Register", width=10, height=1, bg="orange",command=register).place(x=105,y=300) reg_screen.mainloop() #calling function Registrationform Registrationform()
when you run the code you will get screen like below
Registration Form with empty validation
I have applied a Empty Validation means if you left blank any field then you will get a message "fill the empty field!!!" after pressing button.
When you will fill all the fields and click on Register button then form data will be stored in Table[Reg] in Database[PythonData].
When you click on Register button you will get a message "Stored Successfully" and data will be stored in MySQL Database.
Registration Students Record
Here i am providing the screenshot of file where all the records of registered students are present.
Widgets used to create Registration Form
2.TextBox or EditText(Entry)
Hii, please help me, When i hit register and when i see my table its showing empty in MYSQL workbench.
ReplyDeletePlease help
I also want to know this
DeleteHi please help me when i run the program it gives module error {mysql. Connector is not a package}
ReplyDeleteHow can i deal with this please help