Hello friends how are you, today in this blog i will teach you what is math function, different types of math function, how math function works and many programs of math function in a very simple way.
Let's start
2.There are many predefined math function in C library.
3.All the math functions are predefined in math.h header file.
👉Math Function
Function name | Description |
sin() | It is used to calculate the sine value. |
sinh() | It is used to calculate hyperbolic sine value. |
cos() | It is used to calculate the cosine value. |
cosh() | It is used to calculate hyperbolic cosine value. |
tan() | It is used to calculate the tangent value. |
tanh() | It is also used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent value. |
sqrt() | It is used to calculate square root of value passed to the function. |
pow() | It is used to calculate the power of a number pow(base,power). |
exp() | It is used to calculate the exponential of the value passed to the function. |
log() | It is used to calculate natural logrithm. |
log10() | It is used to calculate base-10 logrithm. |
floor() | It always returns minimum round off value. |
ceil() | It always returns maximum round off value. |
round() | It returns maximum round off value if the input value is greater than or equal to center value otherwise minimum round off value. |
abs() | It always returns positive value. |
fmod() | It is used to convert all the character into lower alphabet. |
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { float a=2; printf("sin(2)=%f\n",sin(a)); printf("cos(2)=%f\n",cos(a)); printf("tan(2)=%f\n",tan(a)); printf("exp(2)=%f\n",exp(a));//exponential printf("log(2)=%f\n",log(a));//natural log printf("log10(2)=%f\n",log10(a));//log10 printf("sqrt(4)=%f\n",sqrt(4));//square root printf("cbrt(27)=%f\n",cbrt(27));//cube root return 0; } ### Output ### sin(2)=0.909 cos(2)=-0.416 tan(2)=-2.185 exp(2)=7.389 log(2)=0.693 log10(2)=0.301 sqrt(4)=2 cbrt(27)=3
It returns the minimum round off value.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { printf("%f\n",floor(2.3)); printf("%f\n",floor(2.5)); printf("%f\n",floor(2.8)); return 0; } ### Output ### 2.0 2.0 2.0
It returns the maximum round off value.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { printf("%f\n",ceil(2.3)); printf("%f\n",ceil(2.5)); printf("%f\n",ceil(2.8)); return 0; } ### Output ### 3.0 3.0 3.0
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { printf("%f\n",round(2.3)); printf("%f\n",round(2.5)); printf("%f\n",round(2.8)); return 0; } ### Output ### 2.0 3.0 3.0
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