Hello friends how are you, today in this blog i will teach you what is pointer, syntax of pointer , how pointer statement works and many programs using pointer in a very simple way.
Let's start
1.It is a special type of variable which is used to store the address of another variable.
2.It can store the address of same data type means an integer pointer can store the address of integer variable, character pointer can store the address of character variable and so on.3.If we add asterisk(*) symbol with any variable at the time of declaring variable then this variable is called pointer variable.
4.we use ampersand symbol to get the address of variable.
5.* symbol is used to get the value at address which is hold by pointer
1.Here a is a normal variable.
2.p is a pointer variable because it is associated with * symbol.
👉Example 1
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=10;//initializing normal variable int *p;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p printf("value of a=%d\n",a); printf("address of a=%d\n",&a); printf("value of p=%d\n",p); printf("address of p=%d\n",&p); printf("value of *p=%d\n",*p); } /* ### Output ### value of a=10 address of a=6618652 value of p=6618652 address of p=6618640 value of *p=10 */
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b=10,c=20;//initializing normal variable int *p,*q,*r;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p q=&b;//address of variable b is assigned to q r=&c;//address of variable c is assigned to r *p=*q+*r;//Performing operation printf("Add=%d",*p); } /* ### Output ### Add=30 */
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c;//initializing normal variable int *p,*q,*r;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p q=&b;//address of variable b is assigned to q r=&c;//address of variable c is assigned to r //Taking user input printf("Enter first number\n"); scanf("%d",q); printf("Enter second number\n"); scanf("%d",r); *p=*q+*r;//Performing operation printf("Add=%d",*p); } /* ### Output ### Enter first number 50 Enter second number 40 Add=90 */
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=10;//initializing normal variable int *p,**q,***r,****s;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p q=&p;//address of pointer p is assigned to q r=&q;//address of pointer q is assigned to r s=&r;//address of pointer r is assigned to s printf("a=%d\n",a); printf("*p=%d\n",*p); printf("**q=%d\n",**q); printf("***r=%d\n",***r); printf("****s=%d\n",****s); } /* ### Output ### a=10 *p=10 **q=10 ***r=10 ****s=10 */
#include<stdio.h> int main() { char a='Z';//initializing normal variable char *p;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p printf("value of a=%c\n",a); printf("Value of *p=%c\n",*p); } /* ### Output ### value of a=Z Value of *p=Z */
#include<stdio.h> int main() { float a=85.4;//initializing normal variable float *p;//declaring pointer variable p=&a;//address of variable a is assigned to p printf("value of a=%f\n",a); printf("Value of *p=%f\n",*p); } /* ### Output ### value of a=85.400002 Value of *p=85.400002 */
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