Hello friends how are you, today in this blog i will teach you what is Scale and Spinbox, syntax of Scale and Spinbox, how to create Scale and Spinbox, how Scale and Spinbox work in a very simple way.
Let's start
TKinter Scale
- It is used to provide the graphical slider.
- It allows us to select value from the slider
- Syntax:
s = Scale ( master, option1,option2, ... )
- Here master is parent window and option can be used as a key-value pairs.
- Examples of options are bg,font,width,height etc.
from tkinter import * top = Tk() top.geometry("200x150") top['bg']="#51E1DC" #define function def myFun(): sel = "Selected Value = " + str(var.get()) label.config(text=sel) var = IntVar() #create scale Scale(top, variable=var, from_=10, to=20, orient=HORIZONTAL).pack(anchor=CENTER,pady=5) #create button Button(top, text="Value", command=myFun).pack() label = Label(top) label.pack() top.mainloop()
- It is approaximately same as tkinter Entry but in Spinbox we can provide range of values to the user ,out of which ,user can select one.
- Syntax:
m = Spinbox ( master, option1,option2, ... )
- Here master is parent window and option can be used as a key-value pairs.
- Examples of options are bg,font,width,height etc.
from tkinter import * top = Tk() top['bg']="#51E1DC" top.geometry("200x150") #create spinbox Spinbox(top, from_=10, to=20).pack(pady=5) top.mainloop()
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