Hello Friend how are you i hope you all are doing well. Today in this post we will learn about Jump statements like what is break statement , what is continue statement , what is goto statement and return statement with examples. If you want to learn PHP in very simple easy way then this post will help you definitely.
Let's Start
Jump Statement
- It is used to transfer the control from one point to another point in the program.
- There are four jump statements are used in PHP.
- break statement
- continue statement
- goto statement
- return statement
Break statement
- It is used to transfer the control out of the body of loop.
- In other word we can say that it terminates the current loop.
- break statement are mostly used with loops and switch statement.
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { if($i==3) break; else echo $i." "; } ?> <!--Output--> 1 2 because when the value of i will equal to 3 then break will terminate the loop
Continue statement
- It is used to skip the next statement and continue the loop.
- continue statement are mostly used with loop(for,while,do while)
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { //skip the statement when i=3 if($i==3) continue; else echo $i." "; } ?> <!--Output--> 1 2 4 5
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { //skip the statement when i>=3 if($i>=3) continue; else echo $i." "; } ?> <!--Output--> 1 2
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { //skip the statement when i<=3 if($i<=3) continue; else echo $i." "; } ?> <!--Output--> 4 5
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { //skip the statement when i!=3 if($i!=3) continue; else echo $i." "; } ?> <!--Output--> 3
goto statement
- It is an user defined control statement that transfer the control as per user requirement.
<?php for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) { //skip the statement when i!=3 if($i==3) goto abc; else echo $i." "; } echo "Hi"; abc: echo "Hello"; ?> <!--Output--> 1 2 Hello because when the value of i will equal to 3 then control will jump to the line 11
return statement
- return statement terminates the current function and transfer the control to the calling function.
- we can also use return statement to transfer value from one function to another.
<?php function sum($x,$y) { return ($x+$y); } //funtion calling $result=sum(5,6); //printing result echo "Sum=".$result; ?> <!--Output--> Sum=11
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